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Is Stress Causing Your Health Problems-Weight Gain & Fatigue

When people think about stress, they often related it to mental and emotional problems they face in their everyday lives- the stress of their jobs and family or personal challenges.

In reality, stress can show up in many forms.

But there is also physical stress affecting our bodies; stress from our nutrition (or lack of), busy livesyles-that go, go, go , and environment stressses such as chemical exposure(pesticides), Understanding this broader perspective is crucial because all these forms of stress are equally significant and interconnected.

The mind and body are not separate entities but integral parts of a unified whole. This profound concept is explored in the award-winning documentary featured above, "Stressed." The film is produced by ONE Research Foundation, which aims to advance the understanding of mind-body therapies in health care through research and education, particularly of a method called the Neuro Emotional Technique (NET).1. NET is used by Body-oriented practitioners to help physical problems that have an associated stress component.Stress can definitely be a factor in acute situations, and it is also often a factor in chronic and hard-to-resolve health conditions.

What is Neuro Emotional Technique?

NET is a therapeutic approach developed by Scott Walker, D.C., who also founded the ONE Research Foundation. On its website, the foundation explains that NET specifically works with the ‘physiology’ of emotional/stress responses. Extensive scientific research over the past several decades has verified that an emotional/stress expression is a complex reactive pattern of changes in response to a stimulus. This includes changes in neuronal chemistry and neurological, vascular, and muscular tone.

Although NET was originally developed as a way of finding and correcting an emotional/stress component (NECs) that was related to a physical problem, very early on patients started reporting that the ‘dramas’ of their lives were improving too. Patients found they were feeling significantly less stressed, happier, more at ease, and so on.

An NEC is defined as a subjective maladaptation syndrome adopted by the human organism in response to a real or perceived threat to any aspect of its survival. A primary goal of NET is to identify and resolve NECs either via the associated vertebral subluxation(s) or active pulse point(s).

A primary goal of NET is to identify and resolve NECs either via the associated vertebral subluxation(s) or active pulse point(s).

The individual’s unique NEC includes:

  • Specific subluxation or sequence of subluxations

  • Specific emotion

    [Note: All NECs have an emotion incorporated in the complex, but not all emotional expressions are incorporated in NECs]

  • Conditioned response (a predisposition for stimulus generalization and a resistance to extinction)

  • Meridian imbalance and active pulse point, with a specific meridian access point

  • Facilitated (strong) or inhibited (weak) muscle response

  • Cathected and often recallable memory picture of a past significant emotional event

    Note: All remembered events related to an NEC are always considered to be ‘Emotional Reality’, as they may or may not correspond with actual or historical reality.]

  • Vulnerability to repetition compulsion, and re-stimulation /re-aggravation causing cyclical reinforcement

NET does not treat emotions, but rather it addresses the physical complex in which an emotion and a related subluxation are component parts.

Because NET is a true mind/body or body/mind approach, it fully acknowledges the physical complement of the resistance of the body to NEC formation (in a healthy organism) and the process of NEC resolution.

NET is focused on achieving homeostasis of the person.

Letting Go For Your Health

NET is a safe, effective and natural way to resolve long standing health problems that have a mind-body stress component.

If you would like more information on how NET could help you resolve chronic health issues-contact our office at 770-425-6068.

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