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Spring Cleaning with Ionic Footbaths


Updated: Jul 22, 2023


Everyday we are exposed to toxic waste, breathing it, touching it and eating it through our foods.  It’s time to change our life style to live a healthy and happy life.

Do You Feel Off?

Trust what your body is telling you. A lot of our customers feel like they have tried absolutely everything to feel better. Oftentimes, detoxification is the missing piece to the health and wellness puzzle. Here’s why you should give the IonCleanse detox foot bath a try.

What is a Ionic Detox Foot Bath?

The  Ionic detox foot bath contains sea salt water with electrodes that pass an electrical current through the water.  Your feet are submerged in the water for 30 minutes.  During this time, toxins are removed from the skin pores through the bottom of your feet.  The water should change color once your session is over.

Imagine an alternative for good health that doesn’t require drugs, or pain? Imagine a treatment that uses natural energy and water to increase healing energy in the body without painful side effects?

The Ionic Footbaths are the latest in personal care technologies developed by scientists and researchers as an experimental therapeutic aid for increased vitality and well being.

Sometimes we don’t recover from ailments and injuries because our bodies just don’t have enough energy to heal themselves. This is an unfortunate result of the society and world in which we live.

Environmental stresses like toxins, chemicals, radiation, pollution, synthetics, food processing & preservatives are surrounding and enveloping us creating chronic toxemia, yet, no matter how many supplements we take or good foods we eat, it never seems to be enough.

The human body is an electrical unit unto itself. It contains a lot of water, too. When the vitality is sagging, when chronic degenerative health problems are being experienced, when there are problems healing, the electrical output is sagging, too. So, how can one fix it? By stimulating the electrical current. This can be done with ionic footbath cleansing.

The ionic cleansing footbath unit has two parts. One part, the ornament, sits in a basin of water into which the feet are placed. The ornament is attached to an electical unit. Yes, the water is being electrified with a very small current, so small most people can’t feel it, but still measurable. This very mild electrical stimulation can stimulate the body to begin healing.

We have seen many benefits, including:

o Strengthens Immune System o Increased energy o Weight loss o Reduced fluid retention o Clearer skin o Quicker injury recovery o Increased oxygen levels o Better quality sleep o Reduced inflammation

Come in and try one today!

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