"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." Thomas Edison

Providing relief and treatment for...
Pain Management - Arthritis - Insomnia- Neuropathy - Chronic Immune - Migraines - Fibromyalgia - Hashimoto's - IBS - Chronic Fatigue - Leaky Gut - Acid Reflux - Food Allergies - Anxiety - Adrenal Fatigue - Thyroid Conditions - Hormone Imbalances - PCOS - PMS - Depression - Brain Fog - Autoimmune Conditions - General Joint and Body Pain

Functional Medicine:
Healthcare of the Future
Functional Medicine | Natural Medicine | Clinical Nutritionist | Acupuncture | Low-Level Laser Therapy | Frequency Specific Microcurrent | Health Coaching
How Will Our Approach Help You?
Personalized Treatment Plans for Your Specific Needs.
Diverse Natural Medicine Solutions Offer Choices for Each Patient
Return You to an Active Life, Free of Limitations and Restrictions
A More Energetic Version of You Has a Positive Effect on All Those Around You
What Makes Our Approach Exceptional?
We Accurately Determine The Root Cause of Your Health Challenges
Decades of Experience & Diverse Education Allow Us to Connect Your Symptoms with their Related Organ Systems
We Correct and Balance Your Body's Systems and Restore Your Body's Innate Healing Ability
Chronic conditions are often a result of more than one component of the body not working correctly. Every system in the body works together to keep the body balanced. Just like a recipe, all the ingredients are important to the final product. Because everything is connected, you cannot achieve great results without assessing all the components of the body. This is where Functional Healthcare shines!
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), Acid Reflux, Leaky Gut, Food Intolerances, C-DIFF
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Adrenal Fatigue, Hypo Thyroid
Adrenal, Thyroid, Sex Hormones
Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Brain Fog, PMS, ADD, Hyperactivity
Chronic Headaches and Migraines
Celiac Disease, Hashimoto’s Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Lupus, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis
Viral, Bacterial, Parasites, Tick-Borne Pathogens,
Epstein-Barr Virus, Cytomegalovirus
Heavy Metal, Chemicals, and Mold Toxicity
General Joint & Body Pain Syndromes


Lisa F.
I feel alive again!
Since coming to see Dr. Firnbach I am feeling a 100% better. I finally have some energy, my
mood swings are gone and my weight is starting to drop! I feel alive again!

Christine K.
New Love For Life
Before I started, I was living but far from alive. I was tired, apathetic, overweight and all
around sick. I have always had a hypo thyroid condition since I was a child. My primary
doctors just told me that what I felt was normal and to get more sleep and exercise. The
Center was different. They told me that what I was feeling was not normal and that I wasn't
alone. Since starting my treatments ,I have regained my love for life and my
desire to live the best and fullest life I can. I have more energy than I know what to do with.Thank you!

Marie C
PMS gone, husband happy!
"Since starting the program I have seen improvements in both my attitude to eating and
mentally having positive thoughts about myself.
"My PMS symptoms have improved to such an extent that I now have to check my diary
instead on knowing that the bloating and irritability were signs of impending misery!

Visit Our Nutrition Shop
Balanced Body Wellness Centre is proud to offer a wide variety of top-quality nutritional supplements for your well-being. We currently stock premium, natural supplements for improved health and wellness. Our supplement companies diligently research every ingredient to ensure your are getting the highest quality in your supplements
To place an order in our Nutrition Shop or to ask a question about a supplement, you may call the office or click the button below to email us your order online.

Schedule an initial consult to get an understanding of your goals and what problems you have been having that you would like to resolve.

Create A Plan
After evaluating your lab findings and exam results, we will develop a comprehensive health plan.
Get Your Life Back
Our individualized care plans and treatments will get you back to feeling great and living life to the fullest.